Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ecology of the Box Jelly fish (can change it if writer desires ) Essay

Ecology of the Box Jelly fish (can change it if writer desires ) - Essay Example And as the temperature in our waters heats-up, it harms and kills the algae which serve as food to other living organism in the ocean. When that happens, it inadvertently destroys the ecosystem and balance in the ocean (252-253). There have been several causes of global warming. The most obvious is the carbon dioxide emission from our use of fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal has been the primary culprit of global warming as it traps heat to remain in our atmosphere that makes it warmer. Much of carbon dioxide emission comes from our energy use ranging from the electricity that lights our houses to the to the carbon emission of our cars and industrial plants. Another is population explosion as people now have higher life expectancy resulting to an increased in population that burdens the planet as too many people emits carbon dioxide that is beyond her regenerative capacity. Everybody agrees that the environment has to be protected and that the continuous warming of our atmosphere w ill have a serious consequence on the environment; weather pattern changes, agricultural yields become unpredictable and disrupt the ecosystem of our waters. Yet, this has to be balanced with the energy needs of both developed and developing countries. For any serious effort to reduce greenhouse emission requires the cooperation and commitment of everybody to make it workable. Sustaining the climatic conditions which are necessary to sustain life on the planet and the mitigation of the global warming caused by greenhouse gases build-up in the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans must be done to enable the survivability of all forms of life and its environment. Thus, Massawe conducted a research to formulate a theoretical basis for the â€Å"development of empirical model of global warming fit on the main global determinants of human activities caused greenhouse gases build-up in the atmosphere to enable the identification of global regulations which could be administered to control global warming and the resultant climate change† (254). It was aimed that with such global warming control, it would be able to mitigate climate change that would achieve â€Å"greenhouse gases emission and build-up in the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans based on the generation and deployment of global solutions† (254). Massawe identified the determinants of global warming as the population estimate, birth rate, death rate, hydropower consumption, geothermal power consumption, nuclear power consumption, solar power consumption, wind power consumption, bio-fuel consumption, coal consumption, oil consumption, gas consumption, defense spending, GDP, greenhouse gases emission estimate and forest coverage estimate. He concluded that the solution to the mitigation of global warming is possible by replacing the determinants in individual countries with the global determinants. In effect, the research suggested that global warming and climate change cannot be solved by in dividual countries and that it can only be addressed by international cooperation with all countries, both developed and developing are in cooperation to address the determinants of global warming. How the article increased my knowledge or changed my point of view on the topic. The study was an eye opener for me and in a way, enhanced my understanding about ecology

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Qualitative Article Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualitative Article Analysis - Essay Example The grounded approach employed in this study by McAdam was that of Social Constructionist workshops. In order to animate the study, groups of managers from enterprises involved in knowledge management were selected as participants. These workshops were then run by asking the managers to discuss the four generic areas of knowledge management. The four areas of knowledge management in relation to innovation discussed were knowledge construction, knowledge embodiment, knowledge dissemination and knowledge use. Cumulatively, five workshops were done with twenty five different organizations from all sectors represented. The quantitative realm of the study involved the use of questionnaires to survey the scope of knowledge management in relative to key trends (McAdam, 2000). The findings of the study were documented as per the four facets of knowledge management as a driver of innovation. Firstly, on the role of knowledge construction on innovation, it was established that the area of knowledge construction was a key driver of innovation as new knowledge developed was incorporated back into the organization. In addition it was explicitly verified that knowledge construction which lead to elevated innovation was contingent upon both scientifically constructed, as well as, socially constructed knowledge. Secondly, on the role of knowledge embodiment on innovation, it was discovered that for new knowledge to lead to innovation then it must be incorporated within the organization. Not only did participants consider innovation resulting knowledge embodiment as being reflected in the organization’s structure, but also an essential part of organizational culture. In addition, the participants recognized that the role of a knowledge worker was essential to embodiment of knowledge and consequently innovation. Thirdly, on the role of knowledge dissemination on innovation, it was realized that it