Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Final Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Last Question 3 - Essay Example The principle premise of setting the constraints of the risk synthetic substances and the comparing related OSHA guidelines involve commencement of the degree of likely presentation and the grand degree of dermal danger. Potential presentation is set by approximating the danger of the substance sprinkle, significant contrasts inside the work rehearses in the midst of people, utilization of gloves against hand apparatuses when an individual comes into contact with direct contact with the basic concoction and usage of the mutual instruments (Noll et al, 2014). On the other hand, dermal introduction potential is for the most part dependent on the recurrence and time of the skin contact, size of the skin in contact with the common concoction, convergence of the compound and probability of holding the substance on the skin. TLV is applied in the expectation of the amount of synthetic concoctions every sound character or laborer can withstand without serious impacts. STEL is used by manager is guaranteeing that no laborer is presented to an airborne grouping of the formaldehyde that surpasses two segments of the formaldehyde enemy each million areas of air. NIOSH IDLH is the primary wellspring of the general modern cleanliness data for the workers, administrators and relating word related wellbeing proficient concerning the unsafe synthetics. These qualities are typically used by the EPA in the foundation of plans and reaction to the basic uncontrolled arrivals of the risky synthetics (Noll et al, 2014). Besides, help in approximations of the presentation, offering of the imperative data for evaluating substance discharge and taking suitable defensive

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How have ideas of realism been conceptualized and put into practice by Essay

How have thoughts of authenticity been conceptualized and incorporated by filmakers - Essay Example Very little idea is put on the area and point of the cameras making the efforts however rather the recording is pretty much left to run its course with the cameras only there to catch and make efforts . Now and again which is for the most part more often than not, the shots taken wind up being not firm or fine, however this is the intension since it supports the crowd a progressively included mental cooperation since it permits them to investigate and welcome the full multifaceted nature and lavishness of the shots. Another significant thing to note in pragmatist films is the effortlessness of its altering which is however much as could reasonably be expected kept to the negligible side this is on the grounds that it is accepted that an excess of altering impacts the crowds translation in just a single route since a great deal of the decisions and choices will in general be made at the altering stage. Genuine instances of movies which are pretty much pragmatist in style are narratives. This is because of the way that they exhibit occasions that have happened before and they will in general draw out these occasions in a way that is reasonable by the watcher with negligible if any control as far as the story line or the creative piece of the film. In this article we are significantly worried about the Italian and British authenticity and how their thoughts were utilized in filmmaking. Above all else we can characterize Italia authenticity as a sort of association that had a national effect as far as the movies they created and advised to its crowd to such an extent that they were significantly worried about what was going on in the general public be it poor people and average workers connections, to their everyday life not overlooking the things that influenced them as neediness, social shamefulness only yet to give some examples. In the British authenticity case it was to a greater degree a development of defiance rather that an association whose fundamental concern was to cut off totally the impacts that outside movie producers like Hollywood was having on its filmmaking industry. To them it was a way to a reason where they imagined a period where nearby concerned and styles would be tended to in filmmaking instead of the ty pical strategies and styles that any semblance of Hollywood had brought out as the request for occasion. We will investigate the different attributes and properties that involved neorealism films with the issues, for example, on the spot recording rather than studio arrangements coming up, creation of movies in a narrative sort of style, utilization of social substance when it came to composing film contents among different issues like the utilization of non-proficient entertainers. These are simply yet a couple of the focuses that will control us in the investigation of the equivalent. Likewise to observe is that in the Italian authenticity examination we will utilize our contextual investigation film as the Bicycle hoodlums film

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mind And Machine Essays - Artificial Intelligence,

Brain And Machine Brain and Machine: The Essay Innovation has customarily developed as the consequence of human needs. Innovation, when prized and remunerated, will perpetually ascend to fulfill the free market needs of society. It is in this domain that Artificial Intelligence inquire about and the resultant master frameworks have been produced. A significant part of the material that identifies with the field of Artificial Intelligence manages human brain science and the idea of cognizance. Thorough discussion on cognizance and the potential outcomes of consciousnessness in machines has enough, as I would like to think, uncovered that it is most far-fetched that we will ever banter or interract with a machine of fake awareness. In John Searle's assortment of talks, Minds, Brains and Science, contentions revolving around the psyche body issue alone is adequate to persuade a sensible individual that it is highly unlikely science will ever unwind the puzzles of awareness. Key to Searle's examination of cognizance with regards to Artificial Intelligence machines are nullifications of solid and powerless AI theories. Solid AI Theorists (SATs) accept that later on, humankind will manufacture machines that will think just as, if worse than people. To them, pesent innovation compels this accomplishment. The Weak AI Theorists (WATs), practically speak to the SATs, accept that on the off chance that a machine performs capacities that look like a human's, at that point there must be a relationship among's it and cognizance. To them, there is no innovative hindrance to intuition machines, in light of the fact that our most developed machines as of now might suspect. It is essential to survey Searle's invalidations of these separate scholars' suggestion to set up an establishment (with the end goal of this exposition) for examining the uses of Artificial Intelligence, both now and later on. Solid AI Thesis Solid AI Thesis, as indicated by Searle, can be depicted in four essential recommendations. Suggestion one classifies human idea as the consequence of computational procedures. Given enough computational force, memory, inputs, and so on., machines will have the option to think, on the off chance that you accept this suggestion. Recommendation two, generally, consigns the human brain to the product container. Advocates of this recommendation accept that people simply happen to have natural PCs that run wetware rather than programming. Suggestion three, the Turing recommendation, holds that if a cognizant being can be persuaded that, through setting input control, a machine is insightful, at that point it is. Suggestion four is the place the closures will meet the methods. It indicates that when we can at last comprehend the cerebrum, we will have the option to copy its capacities. Therefore, on the off chance that we reproduce the computational intensity of the psyche, we will at that point get it. Through contention and experimentation, Searle can disprove or seriously reduce these recommendations. Searle contends that machines likely could have the option to get language structure, however not the semantics, or importance conveyed along these lines. Esentially, he comes to his meaningful conclusion by refering to the well known Chinese Room Thought Experiment. It is here he exhibits that a PC (a non-chinese speaker, a book of rules and the chinese images) can trick a local speaker, yet have no clue what he is stating. By demonstrating that elements don't need to comprehend what they are preparing to show up as understanding discredits recommendation one. Suggestion two is invalidated by the basic truth that there are no counterfeit personalities or psyche like gadgets. Recommendation two is in this way a matter of sci-fi as opposed to a conceivable hypothesis A decent chess program, similar to my (up 'til now undefeated) Chessmaster 4000 Trubo disproves suggestion three by breezing through a Turing assessment. It seems, by all accounts, to be wise, however I realize it beats me through calculating and image control. The Chessmaster 4000 model is additionally a satisfactory invalidation of Professor Simon's fourth recommendation: you can comprehend a procedure in the event that you can replicate it. Since the Software Toolworks organization made a program for my PC that mimics the conduct of a grandmaster in the game, doesn't imply that the PC is in reality clever. Feeble AI Thesis There are five essential suggestions that fall in the Weak AI Thesis (WAT) camp. The first of these states that the cerebrum, because of its unpredictability of activity, must capacity something like a PC, the most advanced of human innovation. The second WAT recommendation expresses that if a machine's yield, on the off chance that it were contrasted with

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Human Resource And Management Research Assignment - 275 Words

Human Resource And Management Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: HR and ManagementNameInstitutional AffiliationHR and ManagementThe function of a human resource manager is to facilitate functions such as the training, selection, recruitment, performance management, and remuneration of the workforce. It is true that Every manager is an HR manager because all managers have a significant influence on H.R. management. Besides, non-human resource managers approve policy changes that are proposed by the H.R. department, and they collaborate with H.R. managers in the process of job analysis.H.R managers enforce and create an institutions rules and traditions. To achieve this, all policy plans are submitted to executive managers for clarification and endorsement before they are implemented. Accordingly, H.R management works with line managers to enforce new procedures (Youssef-Morgan, 2015). Evidently, the collaboration shows the vital role other managers play in H.R management.Other than creating policies, executive managers collaborate w ith H.R managers in the process of job analysis. Job analysis is the process by which the H.R. department of an institution gathers vital data concerning what a specific job involves and the type of personnel needed to complete the task. Indeed, it is essential for the efficient completion of duties and obligations. H.R. managers, line managers, and other executives work toge...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Economizing Problem - and Its Direct Effect on the...

These Short Essays are partial fulfillment of Paper IE1001 of Part 1 of Certified Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) [DRAFT V0.4] INCEIF Student Name: Mustafa Aydemir Student ID: 1200279 IE1001 Assignment in Islamic Economics - Short Essay No 1 by Mustafa Aydemir - Version 0.4.doc -1- Bismillahirrahmanirrahim The economizing problem - And its direct effect on the economy at large. A short essay from Islamic perspective by Mustafa Aydemir Human beings are greedy by nature and their needs are universally recognized as infinite. A simple prove for this statement is the wish of every person to live forever. The unlimited wants are the main reason that resources are considered insufficient or scarce. This is probably the†¦show more content†¦3 4 Chapra, M. Umer. (1995). Islam and the economic challenge. Leicester, U.K.: Islamic Foundation Abbas Mirakhor (2012). Lecture: Macroeconomic Policies Islamic Finance. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: INCEIF IE1001 Assignment in Islamic Economics - Short Essay No 1 by Mustafa Aydemir - Version 0.4.doc -3- In contrary to the secular or capitalist worldview stands the religious or spiritual worldview. It gives tribute and attention to both the spiritual as well as the material aspects of human wellbeing. In fact, the spiritual worldview does not necessarily reject logical reasoning in human improvement, individual freedom or self-interest (Chapra, 1995). This worldview, however, highlights that moral values and good governance are required as restraining factors for freedom and self-interest in the journey of a reaching a civilization where well-being in ensured to all people and to achieve social harmony and family integrity. The direct effects of the economizing problem to a nations wealth are manifold. Well after capitalism had been established in medieval Europe and the west, its consequences in terms of unemployment and mal-distribution of income and wealth became

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Strategic Human Resource Management Cappuccino Coffee

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Human Resource Management for Cappuccino Coffee. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate various strategic options that can be employed for managing the Human Resources issues related to the change in the Cappuccino Coffee House. As already been discussed in the previous report, Cappuccino Coffee House, a global chain of coffee shops is planning to close fifteen of its stores that are located in six different countries and expanding its business in two new countries viz. Australia and the USA by opening eight new shops. However, due to these strategic business decisions, the organizations is expected to face certain issues in the change management as it is a proven psychological fact that human beings resists change even if it leads to their betterment (Awad et al. 2013). In this context, it is the responsibility of the change agents and top management to prepare the employees for strategic change with proper communication of the change and its importance. In addition, providing proper training and mechanisms to adjust to the cha nge is also the responsibility of management so that the employees can adjust to the changed environment. Organizational Change As discussed earlier, the organization is undergoing structural change by closing certain coffee shops in some parts of the world and expanding its business in a completely distinct countries viz. the USA and Australia. In order to successfully implement this strategic decision, the organization has to undergo various changes related to the cultural, ethical and CSR, as the host market is completely different from the domestic market. Therefore, it is important to for the organization to identify issues related to the change that is crucial for the successful expansion of the business. Measures/Tools to Understand the Issues Related to Change As discussed earlier, the employees of Cappuccino Coffee House are expected to face various issues in the new markets in the areas of culture, ethics and CSR due to the apparent differences in the business and corporate values of the host country and the domestic markets where the company is currently operating. Therefore, to better understand the issues related to change and their impact on the organization and staff, following measures can be adopted: Further, in order to understand the issue related to change and its implication on the organization and the staff, Fishbone Analysis can be an effective tool that has been discussed in context to the Cappuccino as under Fishbone analysis is conceptually a cause and effect analysis and helps the managers in understanding the issues at and the causes of that. Thus, it helps in providing complete assessment of the issues and assists in making most effective solutions to identified problems. The steps involved in this analysis is discussed as Identifying the problem- The issues identified are problems faced by the employees to adjust to new country and corporate cultures related to culture, ethics and CSR functions in the new market. Major factors involved- For this step, brainstorming can be employed to identify all the possible factors that is part of the issues identified. In this case, the factors are the people involved in the change process, the new systems and procedures in the new business environment. Identifying possible causes- The possible causes can be the inability of the existing employees to adjust in the new business culture or overall culture of the organization. Analysis: As the various issues, factors causing these issues have been identified, the next step is to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the finding and deriving appropriate implications of these issue and the possible solutions. Human Resource Strategies to Address the Issues In order to address the issues identified in the Cappuccino Coffee House, the human resource management is required to implement the change process in a systematic and proactive manner discussed as under Overcoming resistance: The first step that has to be taken by the management is to develop means to overcome employees resistance to change. This can be achieved by clearly and consistently communicating the need of change in the organization to the employees. Employees are required to be taken into confidence before implementing the change program. The rationale behind the change and how it would help the organization and the employees in the long-run must be properly communicated to the employees. In addition, management must include the change champions who can spread the positive aspect of change to the employees. The management is also required to understand the issues that employees would have to face in the change process and develop appropriate support mechanisms to assist the employees in the change process (Boxall and Purcell 2011) Engaging employees: In order to ensure that the organization achieves the desired change, the employees must be engaged in the change process right from the inception phase. In addition, the management should include the team leaders, supervisors, and the change champions in the change process to help the management understand employees perspectives so that effective decision in the change management process can be taken. Moreover, the roles and responsibilities of the employees must be clearly stated to avoid confusion and misunderstandings (Bratton and Gold 2012). Implementing change: The organizational change takes time to imbibe in the organizational culture, therefore, it is crucial to implement the change in a systematic manner as Preparing for change It includes steps such as defining the change management strategy of the organization, developing the change management teams that will be responsible for implementing the change in different departments, and defining the key roles and responsibilities of the individual employees (Cameron and Green 2015). Managing the change This step includes steps like formulating and implementing the change management plans that must include communications, operations, and resistance management. Reinforcing the change: People have a tendency to slide back to the previous state if proper reinforcement mechanisms are not implemented. Therefore, it is important to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of change programs and taking necessary corrective actions to whenever required (Rafferty et al. 2013). Communicating the change: The final step in the change management process is to communicating the change achieved by the organization to concerned stakeholders. Collaborating with other Individuals or Groups for Implementing Change Strategies Opinion leaders: Opinion leaders are those individuals that are well known and respectable by all the employees. They have the ability to influence and motivate the employees to participate positively in the change process. The management, therefore, can take the help of such employees to motivate the employees in achieving the desired change in the organization (Lengnick et al. 2011). Leaders: Organizational leaders command the most authority and respect from the employees; therefore, it is advisable for them to take an active part in ensuring the change management programs are effectively executed (Cummings and Worley 2014). Developing Strategies in Case the Proposed Strategies to Manage Change Causes New Issues In the process of change, it may be possible that the strategies does not yield the desired results and cause problems that can further complicate the issues. Therefore, the management must be ready with the new plans or strategies to manage unforeseen issues in the process and provide appropriate solutions to mitigate the effect of these new issues on the change management process. In this context, the management should take following steps in case the previous change management process fails that is discussed as Counselling of the employees in order to align their personal interests with that of the organization. It is crucial for the management to communicate to the employees that their personal and professional development is linked with the organization and mutual commitment is necessary. Management can also mobilize the commitment of employees by joint analysis of the issues and soliciting solutions from the employees. The management can also achieve the desired change without pushing it from the top but rather allowing each department to find ways to adjust to the change corporate environment as per their convenience. Metrics to Measure the Impact of Change in the Organization It is crucial for the management to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the change management efforts taken by the organization in order to achieve the desired results. In order to measure the impact of change in the organization an effective evaluation plan is required. An effective evaluation plan helps to provides relevant information about the effectiveness of the change management programs highlights the weakness of the change process functions and also identifies the opportunities present in the business environment to further enhance the organizational change management objectives (Hayes 2014).Further, most of the issues identified are related to the cultural, ethical and corporate social responsibilities of the organization in the new locations of the organization, therefore, following steps are to be taken to measure the change Planning: This step involves identifying change objectives, ensuring that the objectives are realistic and measurable. In addition, source of data collection and data collection timeline is ascertained. Identifying the methods of measuring data: The impact of change on the organization can be measured by using organizational records and documents, by using surveys and questionnaires or by observation methods. Analysing the results of data collection and dissemination of findings: The finding reached through data collection should be communicated to the top management for further scrutiny and developing future course of action. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the change management is an important business strategy that becomes important for the organization, as the business environment is highly dynamic and becoming complex by the day. Therefore, in order to sustain in the market, it is necessary to continuously adapt as per the changing business requirements. In this context, the change management strategy adopted by Cappuccino Coffee House requires proper understanding, formulation, implementation, and execution of the change management programs. In this context, it is important to understand that issues that employees might face during the change management process. Change is associated with the fear of unknown, change in the status quo and other problems. It is therefore, the responsibility of the change agent and the management of the organization to identify the possible issues in the change management process and provide proactive solutions to minimize the impact of these issues o n the change management objectives. In addition, it is also advisable to include the influences such as opinion leaders, organizational leadership in the change process as they command greater respect from the employees and can influence them to participate positively in the change management process. Lastly, the management is required to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of change process and develop strategies for the future development. References Awad, R., Sherratt, S. and Jefferies, M., 2013. Proposing a new model for organizational change management.Change Management: An International Journal,12(3), pp.17-28. Battilana, J. Casciaro, T. (2012) Change agents, networks, and institutions: a contingency theory of organizational change, Academy of Management Journal, 55 (2), pp.381-398. Benn, S., Dunphy, D. and Griffiths, A., 2014.Organizational change for corporate sustainability. Routledge. Boxall, P. Purcell, J. (2011) Strategy and human resource management. 3rd ed. London: Palgrave.Human resource strategy and the dynamics of industry-based competition (pp.257-280). Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015.Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Hayes, J., 2014.The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Lengnick-Hall, C., Beck, T. Lengnick-Hall, M. (2011) Developing a capacity for organisational resilience through strategic human resource management, Human Resource Management Review, 21 (3), pp.243-255. Rafferty, A.E., Jimmieson, N.L. and Restubog, S.L.D., 2013. When leadership meets organizational change: The influence of the top management team and supervisory leaders on change appraisals, change attitudes, and adjustment to change.Psychology of Organizational Change: Viewing Change from the Employee's Perspective, pp.145-172. Truss, C., Mankin, D. and Kelliher, C., 2012.Strategic human resource management. Oxford University Press. Vazirani, N. (2013) An integrative role of HR in handling issues post mergers and acquisitions, SIES Journal of Management, 9 (2), pp.82-88.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Racial or ethnical discrimination

Even though some people state that racial or ethnical discrimination and prejudice are issues of the past, there is still double standard in the US society. Ethnic minorities have to face various issues related to prejudice or discrimination. It is possible to consider the concepts of discrimination and prejudice from different theoretical perspectives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Racial or ethnical discrimination specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the first place, these concepts can be considered in term of the conflict theory. According to the conflict theory, people struggle for resources and the society develops in terms of this struggle. Thus, European Americans tend to think that ethnic minorities can take certain jobs away. This prejudice exists in the society especially when it comes to Asian Americans. There is a prejudice that Asian immigrants come and occupy posts which could be taken by Americans (Cheng Yang 290). At the same time, minorities tend to stress that whites control all spheres of the US society. People of color argue that whites have taken all major positions in the society and such concepts as ‘double-standard’ and ‘glass ceiling’ are common for minorities. Such events as the case of Rodney King prove that the conflict exists (Blauner 272). Notably, some people who find themselves in uncertain position (e.g. experience financial constraints) tend to share discriminative practices. However, those who are well-off are not afraid of competition and strive for discrimination-free society. As far as psychological perspective, prejudice can be explained by the theory of stereotyping. Thus, people tend to stereotype. This is a psychological peculiarity of the human being. If an individual sees several (or even one) German who likes beer very much, he/she develops a stereotype concerning Germans’ attitude towards this beverage. Likewis e, there are various examples of prejudice. African-Americans are often thought to work as low-paid employees or even to be gangsters. Philippine females are often believed to work as maids. At present, young people are taught to be free from stereotypes though people are still vulnerable. It is also possible to see discrimination and prejudice from symbolic interactionist perspective. According to this theory, minority groups cannot see themselves as a part of a larger group if they are not seen as similar by the majority group. Admittedly, ethnicity is what makes people different in terms of their skin color, mindsets, traditions, etc. (Blauner 279).Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Different groups of people remain somewhat hostile to others, as this is a part of the human perception. Others are seen as different and hostile. Discrimination as well as prejudice can be regarded as a typ e of self-defense when the majority group tries to defend itself from the influence of the ‘others’, i.e. minority groups. Therefore, it is essential to promote the concepts of equality and cooperation to make people free from the concept of ‘otherness’. In conclusion, it is possible to note that discrimination and prejudice can be considered in terms of conflict theory, theory of stereotypes and symbolic interactionist perspective. According to these sociological and psychological perspectives discrimination and prejudice are indispensible parts of the human society as it is. However, there is a way to get rid of these concepts. People should try to develop understanding that all are equal irrespective of their ethnic background. Globalization is one of the factors that can help people understand that. The differences between ethnicities become insignificant when people start thinking about more global issues like environment, diseases, natural disasters, resources distribution, etc. People should understand that cooperation (i.e. the end of discrimination and prejudice) is the way to build global society which can cope with global issues. Works Cited Blauner, Bob: â€Å"Talking Past Each Other: The Black and White Languages of Race.† Cheng, Lucie and Philip Q. Yang: â€Å"Asians: The’ Model Minority’ Deconstructed†. This essay on Racial or ethnical discrimination was written and submitted by user Lydia Bradford to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.